In View of God's Mercy - Week 13

Nov 6, 2022    Matt Dean

This week Lead Pastor Matt Dean teaches through Romans 12. He leads us through the following response to God's mercy in our lives.

Here’s my whole life (from You) so now I know that all that I am and all that I have is from you God.  You chose me. You saved me. You awakened my heart to see you and believe. You called me yours. You accomplished my salvation. You gave me righteousness. You are my Peace. You are my eternity. 

And (through You) I belong to the Church and with your people - You have given me gifts to use in the gathered Church and with the community of Christ followers.  God help me live by faith through the promises you have given me, God help me serve selflessly through the strength you have given me, God help me give generously through Your provision for me, God help me care for others through the capacity You have given me. God help me love people in my life through Your life in me. 

(to You) in this broken world I know there will be hardship, suffering, opposition, and hard choices — but I offer my life to You – a living sacrifice to You - bearing faithful witness to You.