Grace Auburn exists for the city, campus, and nations to know and love Jesus
by establishing authentic gospel communities.

In a city that adds more residents per year than any other in Alabama, we are here to take the finished work of Jesus to our neighborhoods, schools, and communities across Auburn. We do this by committing to the mission of all who love and follow Jesus as we commit to one another as a local church.
The Church (and our church) is important to Auburn because we are people of hope, who can speak of God's goodness, demonstrate grace, and point people to life found only in Jesus.
The Church (and our church) is important to Auburn because we are people of hope, who can speak of God's goodness, demonstrate grace, and point people to life found only in Jesus.

The college experience is fertile ground for finding genuine faith in Jesus. For many young adults, this is the season in which they wrestle with freedom, culture, and their core identity.
We are pointing young adults towards Jesus as they make decisions about their life trajectory and what to ultimately live for.
We are pointing young adults towards Jesus as they make decisions about their life trajectory and what to ultimately live for.

Every week we pray for specific people and places around the world to know and love Jesus, and for the Church in the darkest corners of earth to thrive. We build genuine friendships as we welcome and receive people from all over the world.
We partner with Auburn University programs to serve the practical needs of incoming international students. We encourage our local community to see and engage with people through regular service opportunities.
We partner with Auburn University programs to serve the practical needs of incoming international students. We encourage our local community to see and engage with people through regular service opportunities.
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Service times: 8 am, 9:30 am, and 11 am
720 E. Glenn Ave
Auburn, AL 36830
720 E. Glenn Ave
Auburn, AL 36830
Every week, we gather for worship--because Jesus is life and because Jesus is worthy. Our services have a structured liturgy that includes reading the Bible, prayer, singing songs of worship, confession, expository preaching, and communion.