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Christ To All - Week 12

Mar 23, 2025    Lee Cadden

This week, Pastor Lee Cadden gives us a picture of Paul’s state of mind while writing 2 Corinthians, and practical application that applies to us today. In 2 Corinthians 7:1-16, Paul's state of mind varies between deep despair over the weight of his pastoral burdens and care for others, and his unparalleled joy over the repentance of believers and the joy of his brother Titus.

In light of all of this we see Paul preach the hope of the Gospel to the Corinthians but also to himself. The letter turns toward a message of unity in Christ through Authentic Gospel Community: a small picture of Christ's Kingdom. It's why gathering for worship, gathering in homes, and even gathering in parking lots is so important. Our grief and our joy alike are meant to be shared with one another, all to His glory.